Use of video information in the corporate communication system of VVSU

  • Kalinichenko E.N.

    Graduate student
    Far Eastern Federal University
    Vladivostok. Russia


The article is devoted to the issue of ensuring the corporate interests of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service (VVSU) by developing the quality of using video information in the system of corporate communication of the very University. Such actions will improve the image of the University as one of the leading universities in the Primorye Territory and more effectively cover all the important for the University classroom groups. Today, thanks to the development of technology, the range of organizations that have corporate TV is expanding. However, despite the relevance of corporate television, the issue of using video information in the corporate communication system is still insufficiently studied. Since video information has its own peculiarities, it makes sense to talk about it.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of video information in a corporate communication system using the example of VVSU. The object of the study is the corporate communication of VVSU, and the subject of study is the use of video information in corporate communications of VVSU. Deduction, observation, comparison, analysis, classification and generalization are chosen by the main methods of investigation. As a result, the analysis showed that the university uses all the video information to inform not only the internal community, but also the external one. When creating video materials use a variety of audiovisual means of expressiveness. The information is easily perceived by the viewer, inspires his confidence and sense of presence on the site of the event. It successfully strengthens the image of the university, promotes educational services, being an important, integral and effective part of the corporate information system. Preference is given to news stories. However, the shortcomings in the organizational activity of the university influence the work of corporate television and, as a result, to maximize the productive use of video information. To improve the efficiency of video information use, it is necessary to eliminate these problems; to think over, systematize and structure the broadcasting grid; diversify the program and genre palette; add an entertainment segment.

This information can be used by TV journalists, PR specialists, to become a base for course and diploma work.

Keywords: corporate television, image, communication, use of video information, video studio VVSU.